But, Mr. Adams. . . Vol. III

October was always a busy month for the Adams family, and for us at GEM Theatrics, this October brings the flurry of activity common to a new production. Work on “My Dearest Friend” proceeds apace, with music being written, sound effects researched, PowerPoint slides created, lines being learned and characters being built. We’re really looking forward to bringing the lives and love of John and Abigail Adams to life on the Dog Story Theater stage!
John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 in Braintree (now Quincy), Massachusetts. In October, 1762, he began a lifelong correspondence with Abigail Smith and on October 25, 1764, they would marry and commence their 43 year odyssey of life together.
In October and November, 1770, lawyer John Adams successfully defended the soldiers involved in the “Boston Massacre”, standing up for the proposition that all those accused were entitled to a fair trial. In 1775, with John at Congress in Philadelphia, Abigail contended with an epidemic of dysentery in Boston that eventually claimed the life of her mother, Elizabeth Quincy Smith, on October 1.
In October, 1782, John participated in the negotiation of the Preliminary Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, which was signed at Paris on November 30. In October, 1800, John and Abigail, as President and First Lady, traveled to the new City of Washington, D.C. to take up residence in the still unfinished president’s house (later to be called the White House).
Finally, on October 28, 1818, Abigail died of Typhoid Fever at the Adams’ beloved “Peacefield” in Quincy. John longed to join her, and finally did so, on July 4, 1826, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. His eldest son, John Quincy Adams, was President of the United States.

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